PinnedPublished inThe HavenDad, Buy Me a Toy or I Poison MyselfThose are the words that the universe heard from a 4-year-old and it delivered justice.Dec 18, 202130Dec 18, 202130
PinnedPublished inThe HavenDinner is Served, Fish or Ice Cream?Mangoes will not do.Jul 24, 2024Jul 24, 2024
Published inThe HavenDid the Gen Z Start a Humorous Revolution in My Country?The photo above captures a Gen Z protester in Kenya, smoking directly from a teargas canister. He was heard quipping that the police should…Jun 29, 20241Jun 29, 20241
On Monkeys and Warthogs that Attend SchoolAnd have more freedom than students…Sep 6, 20221Sep 6, 20221
Published inMuddyUmMeet the Boy Who Refused to LoseAnd when he lost, it would be on his termsMar 3, 20222Mar 3, 20222
Published inMuddyUmOn the War of Milk, Crazy Sister, and Battered CupsA tale of a missionary’s childJan 27, 20222Jan 27, 20222
Published inUnpopular OpinionsOn My Beautiful Angry NeighborsThe two women and a half-manJan 18, 20229Jan 18, 20229